Jobs and Opportunities- Week of 10/16/20

NYC Department of Education Arts Teacher
Details: As of 10/1/20, The DOE announced that hiring restrictions on teachers will be lifted and that principals may now consider external new teacher candidates for vacancies. Candidates in the TeachNYC New Teaching Finder system may now view and apply to vacancies directly in the New Teacher Finder. Please note that the DOE’s TeachNYC application and New Teaching Finder system is different than New York State TEACH, which houses all state certification information. Candidates interested in teaching in NYC public schools must have their New York State TEACH account as well as apply to TeachNYC. If candidates are not yet certified, please note that to be hired as a teacher in the NYC DOE, candidates must be certified to teach in New York State.

Middle School Assistant Art Teacher at the Churchill School

Social Media and Art History Coordinator for The Art Story

Part Time: Production Coordinator for Community-Based Arts and Climate Action Project

Program AssistantCUNY Cultural Corps

Digital Media CoordinatorCUNY ASAP


About Art Ed

Art Education Department The City College of New York 160 Convent Ave New York, NY 10031

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