Poster Design: Using text & images

This last Wednesday, City Art Lab youth artists from What Now began creating artwork based on their sketches from the previous session’s discussion on the Secretary of Education and forthcoming change in the educational system. Based on these prompts: What programs or activities might be taken from your school district? What possible changes might be implemented in your school? What do you want to keep in tact at your school? What do you want to change in your school? The painting technique of watercolor resist, the combination of oil pastel (resist) and watercolor paints was introduced to youth artists to begin painting their responses to the prompts above.





The Culture group researched images and text that youth artists would incorporate into their national cultural posters. Teaching artists shared various artists, David Carson, El Lissitzky, and Barbara Kruger with students to show the various use of imagery/text and how might the combination of both or use of just imagery or text can impact the way the viewer experiences the message. Students were asked to consider how might juxtaposing images and text create contrasting meaning, imagery, or messages? Last sessions, image transferring technique was reviewed and youth artists began using these techniques to create their posters.



About Art Ed

Art Education Department The City College of New York 160 Convent Ave New York, NY 10031

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