Is this program for me?

In this animated short, Marit Dewhurst, Chair of the Art Education Program, describes a few features of the class Identity, Community, and Culture in Art Education. She talks about creating an art classroom where there is a sense of justice, radical love, and community connection where students feel comfortable being who they are and exploring deep questions.

Animation and music by Jonny Goldstein with support from the Therese McCabe Ralston Connor Awards.

#arted #ccnyarted #identity #community #identity

In this animated short, Natalia Nakazawa, one of our previous instructors of the Materials and Methods in Art Education course, talks about how this studio-based class is a place to learn to dig deep to find answers and to give and receive feedback on teaching to make each other the best teachers we can be.

Animation and music by Jonny Goldstein with support from the Therese McCabe Ralston Connor Awards.

#arted #ccnyarted #artmaterials #artmethods #lessonplanning